Garrus, however, has low LOD textures when he's closeby. Far away objects have low level of detail, while nearby objects have high level of detail. LOD (level of detail) determines the quality of textures based on how far the object is. That's because the game uses the low LOD version of Garrus' textures at all times. Mass Effect has an issue where Garrus' face has low resolution textures. This guide was originally posted on the BioWare forum by Vordimier. Mass Effect 2 is no exception and has a variety of mods available to liven it up a little, check out these top recommended mods.This guide is for the original PC release of Mass Effect, not the Legendary Edition. While fans wait in hope for a remaster, there are a few mods that can bring the older games into the modern-day by giving them a new lease of life. The original trilogy is still a masterpiece that is worth being played today. Updated August 25th, 2020 by Meg Pelliccio: With recent rumors that Bioware is remastering one of its games, many fans are hoping that the Mass Effect franchise is getting some love, especially after the abysmal low note that the franchise last ended on with the negatively-received Mass Effect: Andromeda. Here are the mods you need to make it so. Thanks to the PC gaming community, your Mass Effect 2 gameplay experience can improve drastically, that's something difficult to achieve for a 10-year-old game. However, you can always give the old games, particularly Mass Effect 2, a new coat of paint. The worst part is that it had the best graphics and scope among all four Mass Effect games, meaning it made going back to older games a bit difficult. Apart from the abysmal face animations, Mass Effect: Andromeda had a less interesting protagonist, worse acting, and pervasive clunkiness. Sadly, a lot of us Mass Effect fans can't help but feel disappointed with how Andromeda was handled.

RELATED: Mass Effect: 15 Things You Wouldn't Know If You Hadn't Read The Books So, when Mass Effect: Andromedawas released, fans simply can't help but compare the quality of the two games from the same developer. It had nearly everything- a compelling story, dramatic world-building, stellar voice acting, and one of the most successful gameplay overhauls in the history of gaming. Among the first three Mass Effectgames, Mass Effect 2 was generally regarded as the best.